Roxy Lee Photography: Blog en-us (C) Roxy Lee Photography [email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Mon, 22 Nov 2021 08:11:00 GMT Mon, 22 Nov 2021 08:11:00 GMT Roxy Lee Photography: Blog 120 80 Roxy Lee Photography - Top Photography Business of the year awards 2021 I am so very excited to have been named among the Top 5 Photographers in Queensland and top ten in Australia by Find A Photographer Australia this week! Find a photographer Australia is an online directory of Photographers across Australia and they support their listed businesses with marketing, SEO and business services.This is not a paid promotion, its based on analytics from their site, client reviews, searches ratings and more. To be named one of their Top Photographers not only Queensland but in the whole of Australia is just so exciting. I am completely humbled! With so many amazingly talented photographers across QLD and Australia I am absolutely pinching myself that I ranked second in Queensland and sixth across the whole of Australia! Just wow!! Feel free to read their blog here for the Top photographer listing Australia and here for the top photographer listing in Queensland.

Photography is my absolute passion, and I am so grateful for all my amazing, loyal and supportive clients. I would be no where without you all. You allow me to spend quality time with my daughter, to pay for dance lessons, swimming classes, to put food on the table and to support my family financially. You allow me to grow and build my business, and I really do believe I get to meet and photograph the absolute best of the best. I love you all, and I hope I get to see you again and again capturing your families grow for many years to come.
If you are interested in booking a newborn session, family session, maternity or milestone please contact me I would love to be your family photographer for life! Click for Information on my newborn sessions and family sessions.


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane bump burpengary family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Mon, 22 Nov 2021 08:07:09 GMT
Roxy Lee Photography - Top Newborn Photographer in Brisbane I am so very excited to have been named among the Top 5 Newborn Photographers in Brisbane by Find A Photographer Australia last week! Find A Photographer Australia is an online directory of Photographers across Australia and they support their listed businesses with marketing, SEO and business services. To be named one of their Top Newborn Photographers in Brisbane is just amazing and such an honour.

Find A Photographer Australia put together their Top 10 photographers in various genres each year and these are decided by the real experts – clients who use the services we provide. Only the photographers who receive the highest number of searches, views, click throughs and engagement on their platform of professional photographers are featured. Their Top 10 lists are not paid promotions and are based on analytics from their site in 2021. 

I feel just a million bucks to be selected as one of the TOP FIVE! There is so much talent in Brisbane when it comes to newborn professionals and to be named #3 in the TOP FIVE newborn photographers in Brisbane is just a dream!! I am still pinching myself!

Capturing that love and connection during my newborn sessions, is well, just magical. To be able to capture these moments, that are oh so fleeting is just beyond a dream. Over the years I have strived to perfect my work, build my studio and form relationships with clients who bring their babies to me again and again. I have my Certificate in Newborn photography, which ensures that I am trained in all safety aspects around photographing newborn babies. I also hold my blue card, and first aid. I am professionally trained and complete workshops regularly. Newborn sessions are held in my purpose built studio in Burpengary Meadows, and are relaxed and stress free. I am told that I am a baby whisperer, and have the patience of a saint. However its just having the experience and training that really ensures for a smooth session, and an understanding of newborns.

To book your newborn session contact me now. Newborn sessions are best booked a few months before your due date to avoid disappointment. 






[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby best brisbane bump burpengary expect family love newborn photographer photography photos studio top Mon, 05 Jul 2021 21:38:22 GMT
Exist in photos - Yes mumma I am talking to you! Exist in photos - "for your children, for yourself, for the people who love you" Sue Bryce

Pick up your phone, scroll through your photos. Count how many photos you have of yourself that ARE NOT selfies. Now compare that to the amount of photos you have of everything else.... did you see a big difference? I bet if you are anything like me all the photos are of everyone else, your children, grandchildren, family and loved ones.

That's why existing in photo's means so much....When is the last time you had a professional portrait taken of yourself? Be honest. Many times when I have asked my clients just that they reply with "on my wedding day". If its been that long its time for YOU to exist in photographs.



Because - years down the track, when your children are grown and they go to look back at photographs what are they going to see? Sure its great to see fun selfies, but wouldn't you want to leave a beautiful portrait? One that can be passed on for generations to come? One that your family will cherish of YOU!! So book those family sessions mumma, be in photographs with your loved ones. Have something to leave behind for generations to enjoy. I love looking back at old photographs of my grandparents, which takes me to my next point - PRINT THOSE PHOTOS!! Don't leave them on a phone, computer or USB - years from now those images wont be accessible, technology changes so frequently. Don't loose those moments, print them, hang them on the wall, make a beautiful album so that they can be enjoyed for years to come.

To book your next session email [email protected]

Follow me on Instragram and Facebook

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Thu, 29 Apr 2021 23:04:22 GMT
Caring for the most important person in your family - Mum's that’s you! I love being a mum, its the best thing in the world, nothing even comes close. However, it does come with neglect....SELF neglect! Now my daughter is now four I am really reflecting on those times where I really didn't take care of myself as much as I should have and thought I would put together a little blog on ways we can make sure that we are caring for ourselves too!

Are you taking care of yourself?

It was a typical morning around the house. Between dressing and feeding the kids and making herself look presentable, this mum wondered if she even knew who she was anymore. She enjoyed her children, but always felt like she lived in the mummy fog and had no time for herself. She felt guilty about being away from her kids even for 30 minutes here or there, but sometimes she asked herself, “Where does a mother go to resign?”

Between endless laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning spit-up and spilled milk, keeping up with schedules, bath time, chasing children, and preparing meals, many mums wonder exactly when they will get time for themselves. They feel that if one more person says, “In the blink of an eye they will be grown, so cherish every moment,” they aren’t sure how they will respond.

Self-care in pregnancy and motherhood pretty much doesn’t exist. It’s so easy to get very busy when there is a little one on the way. Taking care of yourself is so often the last thing on the list and is easy to neglect when life gets busy. You’re not the first (or won’t be the last!) mum to-to be who hasn’t bought a new outfit since 2013.

Taking care of YOU mama is just as important as your job caring for every other member of your family, they all need you, and you are the core in all that is your family. 

A mums role is not easy. But remember, mums have needs, too. If you want to care for your family well, take good care of yourself. Believe it or not, that is what will help lift you out of the fog and prepare you for whatever comes next.

Start with these …

Fresh air and sunshine

So simple. You can definitely do this one! It doesn’t even need to be for long. Walk outside and sit on the patio in the sun. 5 minutes is fine. The vitamin D and fresh air will do you wonders.

Do something daily that fills your soul and makes you smile. 

There are lots of options, from enjoying the outdoors to silently soaking in a tub. Believe it or not, this will help you feel better about yourself and your parenting.

Get enough rest

Don’t over do it mama! Growing a baby takes an enormous amount of energy. Power naps on the couch are amazing if you are that kind of girl. But even eyes closed and feet up for 15 minutes will help, even if you can’t get to sleep.

Reduce your stress

You have enough going on! Now is a great time to setup your boundaries, say no to things that don’t serve you and ease up on the commitments.

Basic Beauty

If you’re not doing the basics when it comes to taking care of your body, it’s a good time to start! It doesn’t have to be a hardcore or expensive routine. Just get into the habit of using a nice moisturiser or treating your hair once in a while.

Avoid wishing away the moments. 

Life is short. Instead of wishing time away, embrace where you are and make the most of every moment. Every season has its challenges. Instead of viewing the challenges negatively, surround yourself with people who can help you walk through them, embrace them and successfully reach the other side.

Go easy on yourself

Just slow it down mama. Rome wasn’t built in a day and even though you have lots to do, if you’re not taking care of yourself, no-one will! Ease up and enjoy the experience. Your baby will be here before you know it and there is a lot to look forward to. But in the haze of nappy changes, breast pumps and loved up cuddles on the couch, don’t forget to love yourself too!

Get moving

Play, run around. Go for a short stroll, have a dip in the pool. Whatever it is, its so important to move your body.



Email [email protected] for session information

Find me on Facebook, follow me on Instagram


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane care family mum photography photos self Thu, 29 Apr 2021 00:29:17 GMT
the top ten baby names for 2020 revealed

Every year I get super excited to read the top 100 baby names, having a look to see what the popular names of that year were and if I photographed any babies with those names. I photographed a few babies from the top ten last year, a Leo, Mia, Sophie, Grace, Harper, Olivia, Amelia, Charlotte, Jack, Oliver, Theodore and a William! Its so much fun finding out how many children were named a particular name, and which names have stayed most popular. Isn't it funny how some names can be popular again and again!

I thought it would be kinda cool to share this list with families expecting their new babies, something to give you some help when trying to think of some names for your little one. It can be a little daunting at times when trying to come up with that perfect name.

I know that teachers and childcare educators in particular would find it very hard to hear a name and not put a particular student you've taught to that name. When coming to choosing a name I know that was something that I found a but tricky being an educator before starting my business full time meant that a lot of names that were being chosen by my husband for my daughter were names from students that I remembered and not always for their "good" behaviour haha. We went with Lola, and the reason her name was extra perfect was because I hadn't met a little Lola before.

So here it is, the top ten boy and girl names in Queensland 2020 and how many there were....  



Girls                                           Boys

 1.Charlotte 359                 1. Oliver       524     

 2.Olivia        320                 2.Noah         383   

3. Isla           319                 3.Jack           324  

4. Amelia     295                4. William    322      

5. Mia          256                 5. Henry       307    

 6. Ava          247               6. Theodore 283      

7. Harper    227                 7. Elijah         273   

 8. Willow    226                 8. Leo            267   

9. Grace      222                 9. Thomas    266  

10. Sophie    206               10. Hudson    263   


To see the top 100 names follow this link....



[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) 100 2020 brisbane family names newborn photographer photography photos popular ten top Sat, 23 Jan 2021 01:31:20 GMT
Mia turns one! I am so super behind on my blogging, and I try to be like super woman and make sure I do it but it always slips!! Anyway enough about me, how cute is MIA!! I so loved capturing her first birthday, it was so much fun!! She is such a doll, and oh my gosh those lips! <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane photographer photography photos Tue, 17 Nov 2020 03:37:24 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Aubrie Aubrie you are seriously one of the prettiest little tiny babies I have ever captured, you are like a perfect little doll, and I would have so kept you if you didn't have a big sister keeping a very close eye on you haha. I seriously have to pinch myself that I am so lucky to be apart of these special moments in families lives, and that I get to capture it to last forever, something that is going to be loved for generations. I had the best time with this absolutely beautiful family and I really hope that I get to see them all again one day. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby family newborn photographer photography photos Tue, 08 Sep 2020 10:19:06 GMT
Newborn Session - Baby Jayden I had such a lovely morning spent with this handsome little guy, who was a few weeks early so we did his session well before his due date. He was so so teeny tiny, and I just had to capture the typical tiny feature shots including some back rolls. Jayden slept during his entire session and was just a dream to photograph. I am so overjoyed that his family chose me to capture this special time even though it meant they had to travel from the south side. I cannot wait to see him again one day <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 08 Sep 2020 10:05:35 GMT
Newborn Session - Baby Matilda Oh my goodness! Matilda you are just the sweetest little doll. I had the best morning capturing this special time for you and your family. So much love, and I am so lucky that I was asked to capture it. You are such a beautiful tiny baby girl, and you just absolutely rocked your session. I really hope to see you again one day very soon <3



[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family love newborn photographer photography photos Tue, 08 Sep 2020 09:54:04 GMT
North Brisbane - Family sunset session I so loved photographing this beautiful family, and this session certainly did not disappoint! The weather was just perfect, and oh my gosh that golden hour was to die for. I cannot wait to see them again for their next family session.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane burpengary family love north photographer photography photos photoshoot sweet Thu, 30 Jul 2020 02:21:56 GMT
Baby Miléna - Newborn session Oh Miléna you are just too sweet. I think I am really loving these older baby sessions, little Miléna was 9 weeks for her newborn session and I just love the awake shots, and connection. She is just so adorable. I really enjoyed capturing this special time for her and her family, and I hope to see her again very soon.


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby brisbane burpengary family newborn photographer photography photos studio Wed, 29 Jul 2020 08:24:23 GMT
Family Session - North Brisbane I had so much fun with this absolutely gorgeous family! I just love those snuggly winter family sessions. This bunch are so much fun, and I am so glad that I got to capture these moments for them to treasure forever. Little Finn has grown so much since his newborn session, and I hope that I will continue capturing him and his family for many years to come <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane family outdoor outdoors photographer photography photos session Tue, 28 Jul 2020 08:41:20 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Olivia I so loved capturing this special time for this gorgeous family again. I first met them when they were expecting their first baby girl, Miss Georgia and I have photographed Georgia a few times since. So when they messaged me to say they were expecting another baby girl I was so so excited. I love that they have asked me to continue capturing these special times and I look forward to capturing many more. Olivia is so lucky to have a family who loves her so much, and a very proud big sister to care for her. <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary expect family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Fri, 10 Jul 2020 11:20:55 GMT
Lenny - First birthday Cake Smash I had so much fun photographing little Lenny for his first birthday. A jungle cake smash was the perfect way to celebrate. Lenny absolutely LOVED his smash, and didn't even stop eating his cake during his bath. So much fun!! I have photographed Lenny a few times during his first year, since his newborn session and he has always been a little star! Lenny is such a happy, and content baby boy and this shows to much during his sessions. I so have loved capturing you throughout your first year Lenny, and I cant wait to see you some more!! <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby birthday brisbane burpengary cake family first photographer photography photos smash studio Sat, 04 Jul 2020 00:59:50 GMT
Family session - Outdoor Winter Shoot I've said it before, but I am totally going to say it again. I LOVE winter family sessions, now don't get me wrong summer family sessions are also amazing, but Winter is an excuse to really get warm and snuggly. Those winter colours are also gorgeous and I love that I can shoot early in the day. I have photographed this family a few times over the years and I love being able to see them, and be apart of capturing wonderful memories together. I cant wait to see them again!



[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane burpengary family outdoors photographer photography photos photoshoot Fri, 19 Jun 2020 08:55:54 GMT
newborn session - baby Caleb Oh my goodness, I so loved capturing this gorgeous family and their newest addition! This family booked when they were still expecting, and before the Covid-19 shut down. So when little Caleb arrived we were unable to photograph him during the usual "6 - 12 day" newborn session period. However his family were oh so patient and understanding, and we got to capture his arrival at 7 weeks. Caleb was an absolute dream to photograph, and he even fell asleep so I got to capture some squishy sleepy shots too. Made me fall inlove with older baby sessions! I had so missed capturing families and this was the perfect session to start back up again with. There was so much love on the day, and Caleb is so lucky to have a big sister to love and take care of him too. I hope I get to see them all again one day soon!



[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Fri, 19 Jun 2020 07:36:49 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Finn I so loved capturing this gorgeous families and their newest addition, handsome little Finn <3

Are they not the cutest? Finn was such a dream to photograph, and is so lucky to be very much loved by his big brother Nate. I am over the moon that this gorgeous bunch asked me to capture this special time for them and I hope to see them again, and again, and again!! <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary family love new newborn photographer photography photos studio Fri, 03 Apr 2020 21:33:29 GMT
Capturing your little one at home Hi! I'm Roxy from Roxy Lee Photography, and I wanted to take some time to put together a blog for my wonderful families who I am unable to photograph during this time, due to these extraordinary circumstances we are finding ourselves in. I hope that this is a helpful resource to capturing some beautiful memories of your little one.

Capturing those precious moments of your baby throughout their first month will create lasting family memories for generations. And more often than not, we only have the camera on our phones handy during those beautiful, spontaneous moments. Photographing those first cries only happens once. This is their beautiful beginning, their very first life experiences. And you need to capture it. I love nothing more than posing a brand new baby and photographing them in my studio. But, being a mother myself to one amazing child, some of my most treasured images have been captured on my phone. Images that show their personality, the mess that they make and the everyday craziness I never want to forget.

Here are some tips to capturing those incredible moments in your baby’s first month…

1. Look for the light. Watch as it falls across your baby. Touching the screen on your phone to adjust your exposure.

2. Take photos in the morning as I find babies are usually happier at the beginning of the day.

3. Get down nice and low to view the world at their level.

4. Try to avoid unflattering angles, as a photographer I always avoid shooting up babies nose, play with different angles.

5. Babies tend to sleep a lot in those first few weeks of life. So to capture those sleepy peaceful moments make sure your baby is warm, well fed and feels secure.

6. Come in nice and close to capture all those perfect little baby features, their hands, tiny feet, and beautiful faces.

7. Exist in photos with your baby. Take turns with your partner to photograph those special moments when you’re interacting with your baby while they’re awake or when you’re rocking them off to sleep. When they’re older they’re going to love looking back at these amazing memories.

8. Turn off your flash. It can be very unflattering to your baby.

9. Don’t forget to look at what’s going on in the background. Busy backgrounds can be distracting so keep it nice and simple.

10. Edit your photos using apps like Lightroom Mobile for a more finished look.

11. Then share your images. Upload them to social media and share with friends and family around the world.

12. You can also create beautiful video slideshows and remember to print your photos so you have them forever.

13. Most importantly - Have fun!!!

14. Keep it simple. There is no need to add lots of elements to an image, just baby is perfect. 

14. And lastly, don’t forget to backup your photos for safe storage. 


It has taken me years of training and practice to pose babies in props and certain positions, please do not try to recreate images in props or positions you are not sure of. Make sure if you have a camera that is heavy, that you always wear the strap around your neck, and keep it simple and safe.


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) at baby brisbane capture family home love new newborn photographer photography photos simple Fri, 03 Apr 2020 21:11:59 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Tomi I had so much fun photographing little Tomi and his family. They are just  ADORABLE!! I first met them when Tomi was still in his mummy's tummy and we did their maternity session. I just knew that there would be so much love in the room and they did not disappoint! Tomi was such a dream to photograph and I am so happy that they asked me to capture this special time, even if it meant travelling from the other side of town. I hope to see them again soon to capture some more memories. <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Thu, 20 Feb 2020 03:39:17 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Eli I had such a great time photographing this sweet family. Little Eli is just adorable, and he was a little star for his photo session. I really hope I get to see them all again one day! <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Sun, 09 Feb 2020 02:15:14 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Ruby I so loved photographing this family, from the maternity session on the beach to capturing little Ruby when she arrived. So much love!!

Ruby was an absolute dream to photograph, and is just so beautiful. She is so lucky to have a big brother and sister to look after her. I really hope to see this adorable family again one day soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sun, 19 Jan 2020 00:44:59 GMT
Maternity beach family session 2019 I had so much fun with this amazing family, so much love and connection <3 It was a beautiful sunny day at the beach, which made for some wonderful shots, with lots of time for snuggles, giggles and fun. Waiting for their newest addition to arrive, I am truly grateful that they chose me to capture this special time for them all. 


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby belly brisbane bump expect family newborn photographer photography photos pregnant Tue, 14 Jan 2020 11:40:37 GMT
Newborn Session - Baby Eli I had such a lovely morning with this gorgeous little family. Little Eli is just too adorable, and I love that I got to capture this special time for him and his mummy & daddy. This time just flies by so so quickly and to capture the memories to keep forever is really something that is so special. I am so lucky that I get to share this with so many amazing families. I hope to see little Eli again one day to capture even more memories <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family love newborn Photographer photography photos studio Thu, 09 Jan 2020 23:03:37 GMT
Family Session North Birsbane I had so much fun with this beautiful family. I have photographed them a few times and I so loved seeing them all again. It was such a lovely sunny day, and their stunning and bold outfit choices just went together so wonderfully. I hope to see them all again one day soon <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane family photographer photography photos Wed, 08 Jan 2020 06:10:43 GMT
Christmas minis!! Another year of Christmas minis done! I so loved seeing everyone, this year was HUGE! I love seeing the same little faces each and every year and some new ones too! I also love when my little newborns return for Christmas minis! So much fun, I cannot wait to see what next years minis bring.... I hope to see you all there.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane christmas family photographer photography photos Sun, 15 Dec 2019 08:53:40 GMT
Family session - Fun at the beach I had so much fun with this gorgeous family, they traveled over an hour to come and spend the afternoon at the beach with me, and I am so glad that I got to capture this special time with them. I love that I get to be apart of their story. I really hope to see them all again soon. 


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) beachshoot brisbane family fun joy love photography photos sun Sun, 15 Dec 2019 08:39:10 GMT
Brisbane Powerhouse - Family Session I had so much fun at the powerhouse photographing this gorgeous family. It was a little different to their usual outdoor sessions, and everyone had such a great time! I have been photographing this family every year since 2015. I so love capturing these moments for them and watching them grow. I cant wait to see them all again next year!


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane photographer photography photos Sun, 15 Dec 2019 05:29:17 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Amelia Oh my gosh, baby Amelia is just the sweetest little baby girl. She slept her entire session, which made my job so easy!! She was so teeny, and I am so glad that I got to capture this special time for her and her family. There was so much love in my studio that morning....I really do hope that I get to see them all again one day. <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane love newborn photographer photography photos Wed, 27 Nov 2019 06:25:38 GMT
Brisbane Family Session I so love seeing this family each and every year. I first photographed them when they were only a family of three. So getting to be apart of there family growing and getting to capture it is truly so special. This session also included some extended family with was so fun to be apart of too! I cant wait to see them again in December as we are doing another special extended shoot together. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane family photographer photography photos Mon, 25 Nov 2019 09:50:54 GMT
Charlottes cake smash I so loved having this gorgeous girl back at the studio to celebrate her first birthday! Time certainly flies and it felt like I had only just done her newborn session when her mum contacted me regarding a cake smash. Charlotte was so much fun and I so loved capturing this special time for her. I hope to see her and her family again soon!

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby birthday brisbane cake family photographer photography photos smash studio Wed, 13 Nov 2019 07:18:05 GMT
Family fun - Brisbane family photo session I so love photographing this gorgeous family, and this session did not disappoint! It was a lovely afternoon filled with lots and lots of love. I hope that I can capture these special moments for them, for many more years to come! 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane family outdoors photographer photography photos Wed, 13 Nov 2019 07:05:41 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Emily Oh my goodness, this baby girl is absolute perfection. I am so lucky that I get to photograph so many beautiful babies, and little Emily is pure perfection. I am so glad her mummy and daddy chose me to capture this special time for them all. <3




[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Thu, 17 Oct 2019 09:22:19 GMT
Family session - Bribie Island I had so much fun photographing this beautiful family. They were visiting family in Brisbane from Sydney and I am so glad they had time for a quick beach family session! I so loved meeting them, and I so hope that I get to photograph them again soon one day! SO MUCH LOVE! <3



[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby birbie brisbane family island love photographer photography photos Wed, 16 Oct 2019 09:19:46 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Ava Gosh I so loved photographing this gorgeous baby girl in all her newborn squishy perfection. Ava you are just the sweetest baby girl, and I really do hope to see you and your mummy again. So, so much love for this baby girl and I am so over the moon that Ava's wonderful mummy chose me to capture this amazing time for her. <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane burpengary family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Fri, 11 Oct 2019 09:12:03 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Seth I was super excited when this gorgeous family contacted me to say they were expecting their second, asking me to capture this special time for them. I first met them when they were expecting their first baby, but was unable to do the newborn session as I was in America when she was born. I have photographed them quite a few times since then, so to get to be apart of this milestone was truly special. Seth, you are just absolute perfection and you are oh so lucky to have such a loving family to care for you. I really look forward to seeing you all again at Christmas for your annual Christmas minis!! <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family love newborn Photographer photography siblings studio Sun, 29 Sep 2019 02:44:56 GMT
Bribie Beach Maternity session I was so excited to do this gorgeous couples maternity session again, so much love!! We had a lovely afternoon on the beach and the weather was just perfect. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby belly bump family love newborn photographer photography photos pregnant waiting Sun, 29 Sep 2019 02:39:53 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Brayden I was so excited when this gorgeous family told me that they were expecting their second, and wanted me to capture this special time for them again. I first photographed them all when beautiful little Asha was born in 2016. I have seen them a few times since too, so was so excited to meet their newest addition.

Brayden is absolute perfection and was a dream to photograph. I loved seeing them all again, and am so glad that I got to capture this special time for them all. Asha is one very proud sister.

I hope to see them all again very soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane brother family love newborn photographer photography photos siblings sister studio Wed, 25 Sep 2019 03:33:00 GMT
Beth - Beach Maternity I absolutely love that this gorgeous mumma brought her family along to her maternity session. They are such a strong unit, and she wanted them to be apart of the celebration. I so loved this session, and am so glad that I got to capture this special time her. She is one powerful, strong and amazing lady! 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) belly brisbane bump family love photos pregnancy Wed, 25 Sep 2019 03:15:17 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Summer I had such a lovely morning photographing beautiful little Summer. She was an absolute dream to photograph, and I am so glad that her family asked me to capture this special time for them again. I first met this gorgeous family when they were having their third boy, so when they messaged to say they were having a fourth child and it was going to be a girl I was super excited for them. Summer is one lucky baby girl with three big brothers to take care of her! I love that I got to capture another chapter for them all, and I hope to see them all again one day <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Wed, 18 Sep 2019 02:40:47 GMT
Williams Cake Smash I had so much fun capturing this handsome guys second birthday cake smash, when mum told me the idea for the theme I was so excited. I had never done a 2nd birthday smash before and William did not disappoint. He is so much fun and such a character. I have photographed William since he was a newborn, and I so love seeing him and his beautiful mummy. <3 See you guys at the Christmas minis! xx


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby birthday cakesmash family photographer photography photos toystory Wed, 18 Sep 2019 02:22:17 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Archer I had such a lovely morning in my studio photographing little Archer. He was such a dream to photograph, and I so enjoyed being apart of all the love. I'm so glad his family asked me to capture this special time. I hope to see them all again soon!

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 17 Sep 2019 22:24:25 GMT
Elsie turns ONE! I have photographed little Elsie quite a few times now through her first year, so when mum contacted me wanting to do a cake smash for her first birthday I was super excited. Also, the theme! So cute! Elsie rocked her cake smash, she is so much fun. I look forward to seeing her again at Christmas time <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby babyphotographer brisbane cakesmash cowgirl photographer photography Tue, 17 Sep 2019 21:47:28 GMT
Family Beach Session I had so much fun with this gorgeous family, I love when families bring their furry friends along for a session too! The weather and beach was perfect, and there was so many cuddles, snuggles, kisses and love. I hope to see them all again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) beach brisbane family familyshoot photographer photography photos Tue, 17 Sep 2019 21:28:11 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Alex Oh my goodness, Alex you were my dream baby! Photographing you was an absolute pleasure. Alex you slept your entire session, and I couldn't even wake you for some awake shots.... you just devine and I so loved snuggling you all morning. 

I so hope I will get to photograph you again soon one day sweet boy <3

I so loved photographing all the love in this family, and so love that grandma even came along and got some shots with Alex. So beautiful!


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family love newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 16 Jul 2019 09:19:09 GMT
Beach Maternity Session - Bribie I had such an amazing afternoon photographing this stunning couple, everything was absolute perfection. The weather, the water, and the love! It was so much fun, and I am so glad that they had me capture this special time for them both. So much love!! Like seriously I know I say that alot, because well I capture ALOT of love, but there was just something extra special on the beach that afternoon. These two are just too adorable.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) beach belly bribie brisbane bump family love photographer photography photos sweet Tue, 16 Jul 2019 09:05:33 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Lennox I first photographed this gorgeous family when they were having their first baby, little Spencer. When they contacted me to tell me they were expecting their second I was so excited for them! Baby Lennox did not sleep a wink for me during his session, but he was so content and oh my gosh he is absolutely delish! I so loved capturing this special time for his family, and hope to see them all again soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:50:54 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Eve I first met this gorgeous family when they had their first baby girl, Joy. So when they contacted me to say they were having a second baby I was so so excited to see them again. They are just the most loving family, and to capture this special time for them again is a dream. Little Eve is just perfect, and I could have photographed her all day long!! There is so much love in these images, and I cannot wait to see them all again one day.



[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) brisbane family newborn photography photos studio Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:44:16 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Jayce What a lucky baby boy to have two older sisters to take care of him! I so loved photographing Jayce and his family, and am so lucky that I got to be apart of this special time in their lives. Jayce gave me some very cute awake shots, as well as those dreamy sleepy newborn shots we all love. I really hope I get to see this beautiful family again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photography photos Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:31:05 GMT
Maternity beach session I so loved seeing this family again, this time to celebrate a new arrival. There is just so much love in these images, and this family is just beautiful. I am so lucky that they chose me to capture this special time for them. The weather was just perfect, and we had so much fun!

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) beach brisbane family happy joy love maternity photographer photography photos Wed, 26 Jun 2019 10:00:21 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Lavinia I had such a wonderful morning photographing beautiful little Lavinia, she was an absolute dream to photograph. What a lucky baby girl too, with a big brother to love and care for her and a wonderful mummy and daddy too. So much love in this session, and the photos really show this. I am so grateful that they chose me to capture this special time for them and I hope to see them all again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Thu, 21 Mar 2019 08:18:26 GMT
Baby Cooper - Newborn photo Session Oh my goodness I am so glad this gorgeous family asked me to capture this special moment for them, especially since they live over 9 hours away from my studio! Little Cooper was an absolute dream to photograph, giving me some stunning awake shots as well as those gorgeous sleepy shots, and he was just so so sweet and content. I so enjoyed my newborn session snuggles, I was also excited that I had a little Christmas baby so I got to do a Christmas set up too.

There was just so much love in the room, I could have photographed them all day long! I really do hope to see them all again one day when they come back to Brisbane for a visit! 


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 22 Jan 2019 10:59:07 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Stella I was so excited when this gorgeous family contacted me telling me that they had had their second baby and would like me to capture this special time for them again. Stella is absolutely gorgeous and reminded me so much of her big sister Evie when she was a newborn. Stella even stared into my lens the exact same way Evie did two years ago. I loved every moment of this session, this family is just beautiful and I am so happy that I got to share this special time with them, even though they have to travel over an hour to get to me! I hope to see them all again very soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sun, 23 Dec 2018 20:12:04 GMT
Newborn session - baby Delta I had such a lovely morning with this gorgeous family, I feel like my boy spell is over and now baby girls are coming to my studio! Little Delta was just adorable, and gave me some beautiful awake shots, and some squishy sleepy shots too. This family is just adorable and the love is so evident, Im so glad they chose me to capture this special time for them and I hope see them all again one day <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sat, 24 Nov 2018 20:10:20 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Charlotte My goodness, there was so so much love in this session, I could have photographed gorgeous little Charlotte all day long. I have captured this adorable family quite a few times over the years, first photographing them as a family of three, and then capturing milestones for their second born and now for their baby girl Charlotte. I was super excited when I was contacted to say that they were having their third child, and then to find out it was a baby girl!!! What a lucky girl too, having two big brothers to look after her.... 


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sat, 24 Nov 2018 19:49:38 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Jack I had such a wonderful morning with this handsome baby boy and his family. I was super excited with they contacted me to tell me they were expecting their second, and that they wanted me to capture this special time for them all again. Baby Jack is a splitting image of his big brother Ethan, who might I just add is completely in love with his baby brother. I don't think I have had a newborn kissed so many times in one session. So adorable!!! There was just so much love in this session, and I so enjoyed capturing it all. Jack was such a dream to photograph. I hope to see this beautiful family again soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn Photographer photography photos studio Tue, 16 Oct 2018 02:30:34 GMT
Newborn session - baby Fletcher Gosh I was so excited when I was told that this family was expecting their second (it was during the mothers day minis this year) and I so could not wait to capture this exciting time for them. I first met this absolutely lovely family when they were had their first baby, little Oliver, and since then I have seen them a few times over the years. This session was so full of love, and I am so honoured to have been asked to capture this special time for them all again. Fletcher is absolutely adorable and gave me the best awake shots, and some gorgeous squishy sleepy shots. Little Oliver is just smitten, and is such an awesome big brother already. I cannot wait to see this family again one day, I always have the best time with them all.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Mon, 15 Oct 2018 03:42:01 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Scott I had such a lovely time photographing handsome baby Scott and his family. He gave me some very cute awake shots at the beginning of the session. Just too adorable!! I love that I got to capture this special time for him and his family, I hope to see them all again one day soon. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sat, 22 Sep 2018 04:20:28 GMT
Newborn session - baby Maximus Have a ever said how much I love photographing newborns with their tattooed parents? Well I do, and I was in my element with this gorgeous baby boy and his mummy and daddy! So much love!! Little Maximus in one lucky little guy, and I am so so glad that I was picked to capture this special time. I hope to see them all again soon!

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sat, 22 Sep 2018 04:11:18 GMT
Newborn session - baby Henry I was so excited when this gorgeous family contacted me to say they were expecting again. I first met them when they were having their first, and now I got to capture their second. Baby Henry! Gosh he is just divine, and he is so loved by his big sister. I'm so happy they chose me to capture this special time for them all, and I hope to see them again one day soon. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Sat, 22 Sep 2018 03:45:12 GMT
Newborn session - baby Philip I had such a lovely time photographing this gorgeous little family, and feel so lucky to be able to capture this special time for them all. Little Philip is just divine, and so lucky to have a big brother and sister to love and take care of him. I really hope to see them all again one day.


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby family newborn photographer photography photos Sat, 22 Sep 2018 03:34:40 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Felix I had such a wonderful time capturing little Felix at just a few weeks old. He gave me some stunning awake shots, and then some adorable squishy sleepy shots too! I love when I get to capture them awake especially when I get adorable looks like I did with this handsome baby boy. His family is just too adorable too, and I so loved meeting them and capturing this special time for them. Felix is super lucky to have two big sisters to love and take care of him. So much love!!! I hope to see them all again one day soon. x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Sat, 22 Sep 2018 03:22:00 GMT
Baby Connor - Newborn session I so enjoyed photographing this handsome little guy and his family. So much love!!! Connor didn't really want to sleep too much during his session, but that's ok cos I got some amazing awake shots of him and he pulled the BEST little awake faces. He is just so sweet, I wanted to keep him! I hope to see him again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn Photographer photography photos studio Tue, 10 Jul 2018 10:11:02 GMT
Newborn Session - Baby Archie I was so excited when little Archie's mummy contacted me telling me that she was expecting a baby and wanted me to capture him when he was born. I first met Jade and Andrew back in 2014 when I did a couples session for them. I was so happy that they came back to me with their first born, and I so loved that I got to capture this special time for them all. Archie was an absolute dream to photograph, he is just so handsome and was so squishy and slept his entire session! I hope to see them all again soon. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 10 Jul 2018 09:28:27 GMT
Baby Lennox - Newborn session Gosh I had so much fun photographing this stunning little man and his family. He was an absolute dream, and is so very much loved by his family. What a lucky little guy, not only to have a loving mummy and daddy but also a very proud and loving big brother! I am very honoured to have been asked to capture such a special time for them all. I so hope to see them all again one day soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 19 Jun 2018 11:40:51 GMT
Baby Isabella - Newborn photo session I had such a lovely time photographing stunning little Isabella with her mummy and proud big sister. I got some very cheeky awake shots of this gorgeous girl, and she soon fell asleep for those dreamy sleepy shots we all love. I hope to see them all again one day very soon!

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sat, 09 Jun 2018 23:55:38 GMT
Baby Mila - Newborn session I had so much fun photographing this gorgeous baby girl and her family. Little Mila gave me some adorable awake shots as well as some super squishy sleepy shots, she is absolutely beautiful and look at all the stunning hair.... She is also very loved by her big brother, and I got some adorable shots of them together too! It was such a lovely morning and I hope to see them all again soon. xx

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sat, 09 Jun 2018 08:37:54 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Layla I had such a wonderful morning capturing gorgeous little Layla and her family. She is one very loved baby girl, and is lucky enough to have an adoring big brother to care for her too! She is just gorgeous! I hope to see her and her family again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Sat, 12 May 2018 12:39:57 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Skyla I first met this gorgeous family when they were expecting their first, and I was lucky enough to capture that very special time for them. So when they contacted me to tell me that they were expecting their second baby, and that they wanted me to capture this special time for them as well, I was over the moon! I just had to share some snippets of their maternity session as it was so much fun, and they just had a ball together on the beach. I so loved being able to capture it all for them to keep forever! 



Little Skyla is absolutely stunning, and was such a dream to photograph. Her big brother Kobi wasn't as keen for photos, but we worked really hard to make sure we captured some beautiful shots of him with his brand new baby sister. I really loved capturing all that is Skyla at only a few days old, and I really hope I get to see them all again one day! 


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Wed, 09 May 2018 11:32:42 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Leander Gorgeous little Leander was an absolute dream to photograph, and oh so handsome too! I so loved getting to know his little family during their sessions with me and was so excited to meet him. This is one lucky little guy, with two big brothers to love him and care for him. I am so happy that they chose me to capture this very special time for them. I hope to see them all again one day soon.



[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Mon, 07 May 2018 00:05:43 GMT
Newborn session - baby Olivia Oh my goodness baby Olivia you are just so sweet, and I love the gorgeous awake faces that you gave me! I had such a lovely time photographing you and your little family.So much LOVE!! I hope to see you all again one day soon! 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Mon, 23 Apr 2018 07:06:50 GMT
Newborn session - baby William I was so excited when I heard that this family was expecting a new addition, and I feel so honored that they wanted me to capture this special time for them! Baby William is just adorable, and he is so loved by his proud big brother Oliver. What a lucky boy to have such a loving family. I hope to see them all again one day soon! 





[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Mon, 23 Apr 2018 06:32:07 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Enzo Oh my goodness, I so loved photographing handsome little Enzo and his beautiful family. Enzo is just so gorgeous and he has such squishy cheeks and pouty so handsome!! I am very lucky to be able to capture this magical time, I get to meet such amazing little families and I really hope to see them all again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 10 Apr 2018 11:50:55 GMT
Newborn session - baby Hawaiki I so enjoyed capturing this special time for this gorgeous little family. Gorgeous little Hawaiki was a dream to photograph, and I was so glad his family asked me to capture this very special time for them! He is very lucky to have not only a mummy and daddy who love him dearly but also a big brother to watch over him and love him too! I so loved creating something special for them and I hope to see them all again soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Thu, 29 Mar 2018 02:02:34 GMT
Newborn session with Baby Ella Oh my goodness I had the best time with gorgeous little Ella and her very proud parents. She was just so much fun to photograph and gave me the BEST awake faces!! I so loved getting to know her lovely family during the maternity and newborn session, and hope to see them all again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio Wed, 28 Mar 2018 22:21:23 GMT
Baby Millah newborn session Gosh I am so lucky I get to photograph such absolutely gorgeous little babies, and their families. I had so much fun photographing this beautiful baby girl, her mummy and daddy are truly smitten and I loved being apart of this special time and capturing it for them. She gave me some adorable awake shots and some very cheeky smiles too! I hope to see them all again soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sun, 25 Mar 2018 09:43:32 GMT
What to expect during a newborn session with Roxy Lee Photography So you have just found out you are pregnant, you're over the moon and you spend the next few weeks organising bringing a little one into your life with nursery themes, doctors appointments, hospital visits and more! Now that you have everything sorted and you are feeling a little more organised and together, you now know its time to find that special photographer to capture the first few days of your brand new baby. You want those little details to be remembered forever, those wrinkles, rolls, and those squishy lips. That fleeting moment where your baby fitted so perfectly in your arms. 

This is not an easy task, there are so many photographers out there - all I can say is LOVE your photographers work. Go through their portfolio and ensure it is consistent. These are after all images that you are going to have for a lifetime, and you want to fall in love again and again every time you see them. Ask them questions - not just about price but questions about immunisation, safety, the environment they are photographing your baby, and their years of experience. It is so so important picking the right person for you and your family, you need to feel comfortable and you also need to know that your baby is going to be safe, content and secure during their session.

I have been working with children my whole life, and started newborn photography in 2013. My goal was not only to be able to capture beautiful images for you to hold dear forever, but also to ensure that I kept newborns safe and secure at all times. I attend training's and workshops to ensure I keep up to date with my posing and newborn safety - this is so, so important!

I feel so, so lucky to have this talent, and pinch myself that I get to be a part of families lives in this way. There is so much joy in the arrival of a baby, and I am honestly so grateful I get to capture this special time for families.

 My studio is the perfect environment for photographing newborns. I keep it cosy and warm, and you are able to relax whilst watching me photograph your tiny baby. All family members are included in my sessions, and I highly encourage parents and siblings to have their photos taken too. Its such an amazing and important time! 

Once you have made contact, I will pencil in your due date. This is so I have an idea of when we will be photographing your baby. Of course I completely understand that babies come on their own time and I am 100% flexible too. I also offer to do a maternity session as part of your newborn package, as I do love to meet families before the session so that they feel that little bit more comfortable at the newborn session (especially young children) 

Once your baby arrives and you contact me, we set up a date that works for you and your family to do the session. Usually around the first 6 - 12 days after baby is born. Why so early? Well it unfortunately doesn't take long for your brand new baby to grow! As the weeks go on, it becomes harder to get them nice and sleepy, and then it becomes harder to pose them. You also miss out on capturing when they are just so teeny, and can fit in your hands, they are only ever this teeny once after all!

I then send out a preparation email letting you know everything that you need to bring along, a run down of the session and the studio address etc. 

When photo day arrives, I have my studio nice, cosy and warm, drinks ready in the fridge and little set ups ready to go for your little one. When you come into the studio I will ask you if you have any colour preference or poses that you would particularly like so that I can ensure I try to get those for you. I discuss the process, if there are siblings we photograph them first always. I discuss the importance of letting your little one lead the session, and that I never push a baby into any poses. 

I have a workflow that I follow to ensure I am capturing all those beautiful poses and also those little details, such as eyelashes, fingers, toes and lips. If your little one is a little unsettled then I spend plenty of time settling and soothing, I also take opportunity for awake shots, as these are a real favourite!   

Your gorgeous bub will spend most of the session undressed (hence why I keep the studio warm) and a nappy-less baby does sometimes come with accidents. Don't stress, it happens! I do put a nappy on for sibling shots, family shots and wrapped shots though. We have plenty of time during the session to sooth, feed and cuddle your baby. I want everyone relaxed and happy, that is so so important.

Once the session is complete, I then work on your images. This takes up to 3 weeks, as each image is created to become a work of art you would proudly display in your home for all to see. 

You do however receive your beautiful birth announcement video in a matter of days, this allows you to share with friends and family some beautiful shots of your little one whilst they are still brand new.

Thank-you for taking the time to read a little about me, and my process when photographing babies. If you have any questions please feel free to ask, my email is [email protected] - or you can contact my through my website or on Facebook. 

I look very forward to hearing from you, and possibly capturing this amazing and oh so exciting time for you.


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane expect family newborn photographer photography photos studio to twins what Mon, 05 Mar 2018 08:21:48 GMT
Baby Taj - Newborn Photo session Oh my goodness, could little Taj get anymore adorable?!?! I seriously LOVED photographing this handsome baby boy and his family. I first met his mummy and daddy when they came to the studio for their maternity session, and gosh there is so much love for one another! Taj is one lucky boy, and his mummy and daddy are very lucky to have him too!! I am so grateful they chose me to capture this special time for them, and I really hope to see them all again one day soon! x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 20 Feb 2018 07:09:19 GMT
Newborn photo session with baby Sahyuri I had such a lovely time with this gorgeous baby girl and her family, who have only just recently moved from Mount Isa to Brisbane. Oh my goodness little Sahyuri is just so beautiful, and I am so happy that her family asked me to capture this special time for them. I had serious eyelash envy during her session. She was just a dream to photograph, even giving me some beautiful stares for awake shots before her sleepy shots. Her grandma attended the session too so we were able to get some lovely photos of them together. I cant wait to see her again for her next session. x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Fri, 09 Feb 2018 05:23:06 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Khyarah Oh my goodness, little Khyarah is just so sweet. I met her mummy during her beach maternity session, and she was just glowing, and so looking forward to meeting her little bundle. There is just so much love for this gorgeous baby girl, and I so enjoyed being apart of this special time and capturing it all for her mummy. Her Aunty took part in the newborn session as well and it was really just so so sweet. I really hope to see them all again very soon. <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Thu, 08 Feb 2018 02:59:17 GMT
Baby Mackenzie's newborn shoot Introducing gorgeous little Mackenzie. I was so excited when her mummy contacted me, asking me to capture this very special time. Mackenzie is just too beautiful, and I so enjoyed spending the morning with her and her little family. I hope to see them all again soon! 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Wed, 31 Jan 2018 00:44:29 GMT
Baby Piper - Newborn session Gosh I was so excited to photograph this gorgeous girl, I so loved having lots of newborn snuggles! She is one very loved bub, and I am so happy that I got to capture this special time for her mummy and daddy. I hope to see her again one day soon! <3


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Tue, 30 Jan 2018 23:29:47 GMT
Newborn session - Lachlan and Joshua Oh my goodness, I was so excited to meet these two gorgeous boys! I had to wait a little while after they were born, but their mum sent me lots of gorgeous photos of them whilst they were in hospital. They were so strong and I got to meet them at 7 weeks for their session. My goodness these two are so lucky to have such loving parents, and I can tell that they will be best friends for life! I wish them all the best with their travels back to Darwin and I hope that they can come back down to Brisbane for another session with me one day as I would so love to see them again! x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos twins Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:54:45 GMT
Baby Spencer - Newborn session Oh my goodness, Spencer is just gorgeous! His parents have waited a very long time to meet him and I feel so very lucky that they asked me to capture this very special time for them. I got to have some fun too with dad being a super hero fan and mum loving elephants, so we did some special set ups for this. I really hope to see them all again soon! 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:39:17 GMT
Baby Charlotte - Newborn Session I was so excited when Charlotte's mummy contacted me to let me know she was expecting again. I photographed her big brother when he was a newborn so I was dying to meet her! She was such a dream to photograph, and is one lucky baby girl with two big brothers to take care of her. I so love getting to capture these special moments. I hope to see them all again soon. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:30:35 GMT
Baby Eloise - Newborn photoshoot I was so excited to meet Eloise when her mummy contacted me to tell me that she had arrived. I first met her gorgeous family during their beach maternity session, and I just had so much fun. Little Eloise was seriously a dream to photograph, and is one lucky baby girl with two big sisters to look after her! So much LOVE!! I really hope to see them all again one day. <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sun, 07 Jan 2018 08:45:51 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Milla I so loved meeting this wonderful little family when I did their beach maternity session, they were just so much fun! When their baby girl arrived, I was so excited to see them all again and to meet their newest addition. Baby Milla is absolutely gorgeous and one very lucky and loved baby girl. Her family is absolutely smitten, her big brother is going to be so wonderful at looking after her. Big brothers are the best!! I cannot wait to see them all again for Milla's next photo session <3 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Wed, 20 Dec 2017 22:36:22 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Zoe When this family contacted me to say they were expecting their third baby, I was beyond excited! Having photographed their older two children when they were born I could not wait to see them all again and meet their newest addition. Little Zoe is just beautiful and was an absolute dream to photograph. I really do hope to see them all again soon, as I so love capturing this beautiful family growing. x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Wed, 13 Dec 2017 11:02:13 GMT
Baby Kyson's Newborn session I had this gorgeous baby boy visit my studio with his lovely mummy and daddy. He is absolutely gorgeous and very loved, I am so glad I got to capture this special time for them. I hope to see little Kyson again soon! 


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Wed, 06 Dec 2017 16:39:59 GMT
Baby Freyja - newborn session I had such a wonderful morning with little Freyja and her family. She was just so sweet, and there is just so much love for her. I was so happy that her little family asked me to capture this special time for them. I hope to see them all again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Thu, 23 Nov 2017 22:03:33 GMT
Baby Hamish's newborn photo session Oh my goodness, little Hamish you are just so adorable! I so enjoyed every second photographing you. Capturing you when you were just a few days new, and the connection and love that your mummy and daddy were feeling really was such a pleasure and honor. I hope to see you and your wonderful family again one day soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Wed, 15 Nov 2017 03:52:58 GMT
Baby Liam's newborn session I has such a lovely morning with gorgeous little Liam, he is just so handsome and very much loved by his mummy and daddy. We were able to get lots of awake shots with lots of lovely expressions, he certainly knows how to work the camera! 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Mon, 13 Nov 2017 08:06:31 GMT
newborn session - baby Dárcy I had such a wonderful time photographing teeny little Dárcy. She is just so so sweet, and so lucky to be loved so much. Her big brother is oh so very proud of her and her mummy and daddy are smitten. She was just such a dream to photograph, and I really do hope to see her again one day. 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Wed, 08 Nov 2017 05:12:10 GMT
Gorgeous Baby Joy - 5 weeks new So I had this beautiful family contact me very concerned that they had missed the important "newborn"stage (4 - 12 days) as their beautiful baby Joy was now a few weeks old and she had not had her newborn photos done. After chatting back and forth we set a date and they came in to the studio (after travelling over an hour as they live the south side) to have photos taken. I told them not to stress about whether or not Joy slept, and that we would just relax, have fun and go with the flow. Oh my goodness, and wasn't she just a dream! She was so content, and eventually even fell asleep and so I was able to get some incredibly squishy sleepy shots of her as well as beautiful awake shots. I so loved having them all and so look forward to seeing them again one day.




[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Tue, 17 Oct 2017 06:03:49 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Roman I so loved having this family visit the studio again, this time with their second born, handsome little Roman. I photographed his big sister, so I was very excited to meet him. He is just so so gorgeous. They were such a pleasure and I hope to see them all again soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Sun, 15 Oct 2017 09:01:01 GMT
Baby Sidney - Newborn session Oh my goodness, I so loved photographing handsome little Sidney and his lovely family. His big brother Claude is just gorgeous, and although he did not want a bar of me and my big camera, I was still able to capture him with this brand new baby brother. It was such a lovely morning, and I do hope to see them all again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Wed, 11 Oct 2017 05:08:14 GMT
Baby Elizabeth - Newborn Session I so loved meeting this absolutely gorgeous family, and photographing their newest little member Elizabeth. She is so very adorable, and very much loved by her family. She is like a real life little doll, and I just wanted to keep her forever! I really hope to see them all again one day soon.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos studio Sat, 07 Oct 2017 04:16:36 GMT
Matthew - Newborn Session I had this gorgeous family come to me to have a session done before Matthews daddy had to go away for work. It was so important for them to have some images of Matthew when he was still so teeny and I am so glad they chose me to capture this wonderful time for them. Matthew was an absolute joy, and I cant wait to see him again soon!! 

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Fri, 04 Aug 2017 02:19:51 GMT
Baby Arhleika - Newborn Session I had the privilege of photographing this absolutely gorgeous baby girl and her family. Born weighing just 4lb 5oz little Arhleika was an absolute dream, and oh so squishy!! We had such a lovely morning, and big sister Zahalia is so very much in love with her new baby sister. I really do hope to see them all again one day soon. <3

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Sat, 29 Jul 2017 23:21:48 GMT
newborn session - Baby Aaron I first met this gorgeous family when they asked me to capture their maternity session, which was so much fun! They travelled all the way from West End to my little Burpengary studio so I was feeling very honored! They then returned a few weeks later with their brand new baby boy Aaron. This little guy is very much loved, and oh so very lucky to have two big sisters to take care of him. I hope to see them all again one day! xx

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Tue, 07 Feb 2017 09:09:26 GMT
Handsome little Owen - Newborn photo session I was oh so very excited when Owens family contacted me telling me that they were going to be having another baby, and that they wanted me to capture this exciting time! I first photographed Owens big sister Isla when she was just one years old, so to see her again but this time with a brand new baby brother was just so wonderful. It was such a lovely morning, and I really enjoyed capturing all the love that this gorgeous family has for one another. I hope to see them all again soon!

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Fri, 20 Jan 2017 02:15:12 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Jed I had such a lovely time with handsome little Jed and his gorgeous family. Jed is oh so very much loved, he is lucky enough to have an older brother and sister who absolutely adore him. I am so lucky to be apart of this special time in their lives, and I hope to see them all again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane newborn photography photos Tue, 27 Dec 2016 05:53:59 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Jai I had such a wonderful time meeting handsome little Jai and his gorgeous family. Jai is one super lucky baby boy, as he has a beautiful big brother to care for him, and the love between his mum and dad is so strong. I am so glad that I was asked to capture their love and this special time in all their lives. Jai was so happy and content during his session, it was such a wonderful morning! I hope to see them all again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Thu, 22 Dec 2016 02:25:36 GMT
Newborn photo session - baby Levi I have had the pleasure of photographing this gorgeous family over the years including capturing newborn photos of their gorgeous little now three year old, so I was very excited when they asked me to capture their newest edition, handsome little Levi. This family is always such a pleasure, and there is just so much love. I so enjoyed this session, and cannot wait to see them again! x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Sun, 04 Dec 2016 08:14:33 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Archie I had such a wonderful time with this gorgeous couple and their brand new gorgeous baby Archie. He was so content and pretty much slept through his entire session. I was so honored to be asked to capture the love and connection that this lovely little family shared. I hope to see them all again one day.


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Mon, 28 Nov 2016 03:48:27 GMT
Gorgeous Miss Molly - Newborn session I have been so slack with my blogging, and I am so very behind! I will make sure that I catch up very soon! This is from a shoot I did with an absolutely gorgeous little family and their brand new baby girl Molly. She was such a pleasure to photograph and absolutely stunning.

So much love, and Miss Molly is oh so lucky to have such a loving big sister! I hope to see them all again one day xx


[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer family newborn photographer photography photos Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:42:23 GMT
Newborn Session - Baby Kobi I had such a lovely morning with this gorgeous couple and their brand new baby boy Kobi. I first met them when I did their maternity session, and fell in love straight away. I just knew that their newborn session was going to be so full of love! Kobi was a dream to photograph, and I so enjoyed capturing this special time. I look so forward to seeing him again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Sun, 07 Aug 2016 12:00:04 GMT
Newborn session - baby Evelyn I had this gorgeous family come and visit me with their newest addition, gorgeous little Evelyn. They were such a lovely family, and I had such a wonderful morning capturing this wonderful time in their lives. Beautiful little Evelyn is very much loved by her big brother William, and this is truly evident in the images. I hope to see them all again soon. x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Sun, 07 Aug 2016 11:36:43 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Jake I had the best time with this gorgeous little family and little Jake, who I photographed on his due day! He decided to come early so we did his photos at 6 weeks. We got some gorgeous awake shots, and still managed to get some wonderful dreamy sleepy shots too. He is very much loved by his big sisters. I hope to see them all again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Thu, 04 Aug 2016 07:50:07 GMT
Newborn photo session - Gorgeous little Harrison I had a lovely morning with this gorgeous family, and their brand new baby boy Harrison. I really enjoyed getting to know them during this wonderful time in their lives and hope to see them again one day. x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography Thu, 04 Aug 2016 07:37:20 GMT
Newborn session - baby Henry I was so excited when I found out this gorgeous family was having another baby boy! I captured their eldest George a few years ago, and couldn't wait to meet little Henry. He is very much loved by his big brother George, and they are just too adorable together. It was such a lovely morning spent with them all, and I cant wait to see them all again. x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Thu, 04 Aug 2016 07:22:07 GMT
Newborn Session - Baby Capri I had this gorgeous family come and visit my studio all the way from Coorparoo, and I am so glad they chose Roxy Lee Photography to capture this special time in their lives. Capri was such a dream to photograph, and is such a beautiful baby girl (that hair!!). They told me that they married in Capri, so that is why they named her Capri. So romantic! So much love in this beautiful family, Capri is very lucky. I hope to see them all again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Fri, 22 Jul 2016 08:31:54 GMT
Newborn photo session - baby Charlie Oh my goodness! I had such a lovely time with this gorgeous bunch. Little Charlie was such a pleasure to photograph and so was his big brother and sister. The love for little Charlie and one another is so evident in this family, and I so loved capturing it for them. They came to visit me all the way from Forestdale. I so love that I have families travelling from all over Brisbane to come and visit me at my studio. Thank-you so much for choosing me to capture this wonderful time in your lives. I hope to see you all again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Newborn Photographer brisbane family photography photos Mon, 18 Jul 2016 01:14:31 GMT
Newborn session - Baby Benjamin I had this gorgeous family come and visit my studio, with their gorgeous boys! Little Benjamin was so content, and very much loved by his big brother. We had a lovely morning, and I am so grateful to be chosen to capture this wonderful time in their lives. I hope to see them all again one day x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer family newborn photography photos Mon, 11 Jul 2016 01:57:16 GMT
Newborn photo session - Baby Winslow I had this gorgeous family come and visit my studio with their darling baby girl Winslow. The love that this family has for one another was so evident, and capturing it was an absolute delight. Winslow is such a calm and chilled out baby, and was such a dream to photograph. This time just goes way too quick and to be able to capture Winslow and all her little newborn details was seriously amazing and I am so happy that I was lucky enough to be asked to do so.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Thu, 23 Jun 2016 10:07:31 GMT
Handsome Baby Damon - Newborn session Oh my goodness, so much cuteness! I had the pleasure of photographing gorgeous little Damon who is just too gorgeous, and he was such a pleasure to photograph. I photographed his big sister years ago when I first started my business, and was very excited when I was asked to capture this wonderful time in his families life. I truly have the worlds best job!

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography Wed, 15 Jun 2016 08:59:51 GMT
Baby George - newborn photo session Baby George came to visit me with his gorgeous mum and dad, all the way from Ormeau Hills. I am truly over the moon that families choose to come to my studio even if it includes a little bit of travel. This family was just beautiful and the love that showed during the session was so evident, and I was so excited to be capturing it for them. George was just the perfect little model, and so was so content. I look forward to seeing them all again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Sun, 22 May 2016 05:58:10 GMT
Newborn session with baby Evie ​This gorgeous family came to my studio all the way from Calamvale. I'm so glad they made the trip as it was such a magical session, and little Evie is such a beautiful baby girl, and was a dream to photograph. I could see the absolute love that this beautiful couple has for one another and their baby girl, which was such a honour to capture. I truly love meeting such lovely families, and I hope to see them again one day.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Fri, 13 May 2016 09:37:13 GMT
Baby Hudson's - Newborn session I had this gorgeous family come and visit me with stunning little Hudson and his handsome big brother Oliver. They are such a lovely little family, they have such strong loving connections, this was evident. To be able to capture this is truly an honour. Oliver was such a little character, I just had to snap a few photos of him too. Hudson was six weeks old, which is quite a bit older then the age that I usually shoot newborns however it made for some awesome awake shots, and he was still super sleepy so we got to capture those lovely sleepy shots too, he seriously has the most amazing big blue eyes, and stunning eyelashes so I had major eyelash envy ;) . I hope to see this wonderful family again one day. x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Photographer brisbane family newborn photography photos Sun, 17 Apr 2016 23:22:25 GMT
Brisbane newborn photographer - Baby Olivia newborn session Two years ago I met this gorgeous family when they had their first born, little Tyler. This year I go to meet their newest addition little Olivia, and she is stunning! I am so lucky to be able to meet such wonderful families, and to see them grow. Capturing these precious moments for them is truly an honour and I love that I captured gorgeous moments of Tyler and Olivia together as this is something they will be able to look back on for years to come, and that they will be able to share with their own children. It is truly magical! x

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Newborn Photographer brisbane family photography photos Sun, 10 Apr 2016 02:14:47 GMT
Baby Harper - Newborn session Gorgeous little Harper was such a dream to photograph, and she was just so teeny! She fitted perfectly in her daddy's hands, and I was so lucky to be able to capture this time for her family. She will only be this teeny once. This family came all the way from Goondiwindi to have gorgeous little Harper and I was very honoured to be asked to do their session, they were just beautiful.

[email protected] (Roxy Lee Photography) Baby Newborn Photographer baby brisbane family newborn photographer photography photos Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:28:54 GMT
Gorgeous baby Oliver Handsome little Oliver came to the studio with his mummy and daddy who travelled all the way from inner city Brisbane to have their session with me, I am very honoured! Oliver was such a dream to photograph, and has the most gorgeous white tuft of hair on his head which was so beautiful and unique. I really enjoyed spending time with this lovely little family and hope to see them again one day.